In the divinatory practice of Numerology, the number 9 has a very sacred spiritual meaning:
Number 9 is the number of Universal love, eternity, faith, Universal Spiritual Laws, the concept of karma, spiritual enlightenment and awakening, service to humanity, lightworkers, leading by positive example, philanthropy, charity, self-sacrifice, selflessness, destiny, life purpose, inner-strength, public relations, responsibility, and intuition.
The last of the cardinal numbers, the 9 is the most worldly and sophisticated of all numbers. The 9 has some similarities with the 6. However, whereas the 6 as a symbol of love, giving its love and care to friends, family and the immediate community, the 9 offers it to the world at large; the 9, more than any other number, has global consciousness.
Day 17: Jewelry
Day 13: Death
Day 10: Tarot Collage
Day 9: 9 in Numerology
Day 7: Cards & a Cup
Day 5: Favorite Oracle Card/Deck
Day 4: Pendulum
Day 3: Candle with Divination Tools
Day 1: Selfie with Your Soul Card
Day 0: The 30 Day Divination Picture Challenge